TMJ Therapy – Cherry Hill, NJ 

Targeted Relief for Chronic Jaw Pain & Headaches

Do you experience jaw pain when chewing or talking? Does it always feel stiff? Do you experience headaches in the morning that no over-the-counter painkiller can alleviate? If this sounds like you, your temporomandibular joints (TMJ, or the hinges in front of your ears that allow jaw movement) could be strained or injured. The dentists at South Jersey Dental Studio can not only examine your jaw joints to confirm the presence of a TMJ problem, but also provide a comfortable and effective solution. If you’re ready for personalized relief, call our dental office today to learn more about TMJ therapy in Cherry Hill, NJ.

Woman discussing options for T M J therapy with her dentist

Why Choose South Jersey Dental Studio for TMJ Therapy?

  • Custom-Made Appliances for Each Patient
  • Proven to Stop Chronic Migraines
  • Putty-Free, Comfortable Digital Dental Impressions

What Is TMJ Dysfunction?

Man in need of T M J therapy holding jaw in pain

Teeth are only one part of the intricate network of muscles and bones that make up your mouth, neck, face, and jaw. When an issue develops in your TMJs (even when it’s minor), it can disrupt this delicate system. As a result, symptoms like soreness, stiffness, and chronic pain can develop.

Dr. Joe or Dr. Dara will examine your TMJs during your checkup. If they find anything concerning, or if you have the symptoms touched on above, they can develop a treatment plan to provide lasting relief.

Equilibration / Occlusal Adjustments

Man in need of occlusal adjustment holding jaw in pain

In certain cases, parts of your teeth can experience extreme pressure when the mouth is closed. This painfully stimulates the nerve within the socket. To locate these problem areas and correct them to relieve pressure, we’ll capture digital impressions of your teeth and go from there. The terms “equilibration” and “occlusal adjustment” are essentially fancy terms to describe a procedure that involves gently reshaping the teeth. Upon doing so, the upper and lower arches will come together in a way that is more comfortable and functional.

Occlusal Splints

Animated smile in need of occlusal splint treatment

Bruxism is a condition that is characterized by chronic teeth grinding and clenching, usually while sleeping. This is a common cause of TMJ-related pain. With the help of an occlusal splint, we can typically fix this issue. The appliance is worn to bed and slightly repositions your jaw into a more natural, relaxed position. Over time, your jaw should gradually start to assume this new position in your day-to-day life and prevent future jaw pain or dysfunction.