Preventive Dentistry – Cherry Hill, NJ

Stop Oral Health Problems Before They Appear

If you have cavities, gum disease, or other common dental issues, keep in mind these are more than simple inconveniences. In fact, since oral health is directly tied to your overall health, having these conditions can increase your risk for other complications. At South Jersey Dental Studio, stopping oral health problems before they have a chance to appear is our top priority. Through regular preventive appointments with Dr. Joe and Dr. Dara, as well as the rest of our friendly, caring, and knowledgeable team, your whole family can keep their smile healthy for decades to come. To schedule your next visit with us, please call us today for preventive dentistry in Cherry Hill, NJ!

Woman pointing to healthy smile after preventive dentistry

Why Choose South Jersey Dental Studio for Preventive Dentistry?

  • Fast Service - No Long Wait Times
  • Kind, Caring, and Judgment-Free Dentists & Team
  • Intraoral Camera Lets You See Your Smile Clearly

Dental Checkups & Teeth Cleanings

Woman looking at smile in mirror after dental checkup and teeth cleaning

One of the easiest ways to catch early warning signs of oral health concerns is through regular checkups. Regular checkups will help us monitor any issues before they have a chance to worsen and become more difficult or expensive to treat. Once we fully examine your mouth, our dentists will break down their findings with you directly. To show you exactly what’s happening inside your mouth, they use a small, handheld, intraoral camera. From there, a hygienist will gently remove calcified plaque and tartar, especially on the hard-to-reach areas of your mouth. This will reduce your risk of tooth decay, infections, and other dental disease.

Nightguards for Bruxism

Woman holding set of nightguards for bruxism

Do you often wake up with headaches or a sore jaw? Do your teeth feel sensitive as well? It’s possible that you have an unconscious teeth-grinding habit while you sleep. Known as bruxism, this can wear down your enamel to the point where it chips or breaks. Thankfully, our dental office is able to help patients with bruxism achieve comfortable sleep again with the help of custom-made nightguards. Each oral appliance is customized to a patient's exact specifications, ensuring it fits over their teeth comfortably and provides a cushion that insulates against the harmful effects of clenching and grinding.

Fluoride Treatments

Dental patient receiving fluoride treatment

Teeth that are regularly exposed to fluoride become strengthened over time as it can heal areas of enamel with early signs of decay. This dramatically reduces your risk of developing cavities. It's one of the reasons why fluoride has been added to many toothpaste products and public drinking water. With that said, another great way to reap the benefits of fluoride is by visiting our dental office for fluoride treatments. Following your cleaning, we’ll apply a fluoride varnish to your teeth, which is far more concentrated, giving your smile an additional safeguard ahead of your next visit.

Oral Cancer Screenings

Woman brushing teeth after oral cancer screening

Did you know that more than 40,000 Americans are diagnosed with cancer of the mouth and throat every year? Unfortunately, many people are not diagnosed until the condition has reached the later stages. However, when detected early, oral cancer can be treated. That’s why our dentists always perform a detailed visual exam of your gums, tongue, lips, cheek, throat and neck for any signs of tissue that is either cancerous or precancerous. In the event we find anything concerning, we’ll let you know what steps to take to improve your chances of a successful recovery.