Periodontal Disease Treatment – Cherry Hill, NJ

Healthier Gums, Healthier Body, Healthier You

Most of the time when people think about dental issues, cavities come to mind. However, many people don’t realize that periodontal (gum) disease is one of the most common oral health problems in the United States. As a bacterial infection, this condition affects the soft tissues and bone responsible for supporting your teeth. Symptoms can be mild at first, but it can easily cause tooth loss if left untreated. Furthermore, research has shown gum disease to be linked to a host of other systematic health problems, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes. The good news is our team at South Jersey Dental Studio can provide treatment before it gets severe. If you or a loved one is struggling with gum disease, please give us a call for periodontal disease treatment in Cherry Hill, NJ!

Closeup of healthy smile after periodontal disease treatment

Why Choose South Jersey Dental Studio for Periodontal Disease Treatment?

  • Nitrous Oxide Sedation Available
  • Extremely Friendly and Accommodating Dentists & Team
  • We Never Keep You Waiting

Scaling & Root Planing

Animated smile during scaling and root planing treatment

When caught early, gum disease can be effectively reversed with improved brushing and flossing at home and more frequent cleanings at our dental office. However, more advanced cases will likely require a two-step process known as scaling and root planing. During scaling, we remove harmful bacteria from beneath the gum line. Following that, we perform root planing, where the tooth roots are smoothed down to lower the risk of future infection. Both steps enable us to stop gum disease from getting worse and promote healing.

Antibiotic Therapy

Woman sharing healthy smile after antibiotic therapy

When gum disease develops, pockets form between the teeth and gums. Not only are these pockets extremely hard to clean, but they are also a haven for oral bacteria, allowing the infection to get progressively worse. With antibiotic therapy, we apply a topical antibiotic to the gums directly. Over time, it slowly dissolves and kills the bacteria in areas that even our dental instruments have trouble reaching.