Advanced Dental Servcies & Technology – Cherry Hill, NJ

How We Use the Latest Dental Advancements

Dental technology is always marching forward, and by making sure that we keep stride with it, we can continue to improve our services. Patients at South Jersey Dental Studio can enjoy the benefits of more accurate diagnoses, no-hassle digital impressions, and better patient-dentist communication. We also have a number of modern sedation options that can make walking into our dental office less frightening for nervous patients. If you us, we can tell you more about our technology and schedule an appointment for you.

Dentist looking at woman's smile during dental appointment

Committed to State-of-the-Art & Comfortable Dental Experiences

  • Nitrous Oxide Sedation Available
  • Partnered with Top Dental Lab
  • Highly Accurate, Efficient Diagnoses

Intraoral Cameras

Dentist using intraoral camera to capture smile images

It’s hard to get a good look inside of your own mouth under normal circumstances. With our intraoral cameras, we can give you a close look at your teeth and gums to show you the problem areas that we’ve found. The cameras make some of the finer details more visible, which helps us catch cavities and other oral diseases even while they’re smaller and easier to overlook. Once we’ve captured the necessary images of your teeth, we can display them on a monitor so we can go over them with you.

All-Digital X-Rays

Closeup of digital dental x-rays

Traditional dental X-rays are already extremely useful for detecting unseen dental problems, but digital X-rays provide even better clarity, making it easier to spot even the smallest oral health issues. Digital X-rays are also considered safer due to the fact that they reduce the radiation involved with the process by as much as 90%, and they don’t require any harmful chemicals to develop. They also let us store the images safely on a computer instead of in a crowded filing cabinet.

iTero Digital Impressions

iTero digital impressions on chairside computer screen

No two smiles are the same, which is why impressions need to be taken when planning an orthodontic treatment or creating a restoration. You may remember having impressions taken by biting onto a tray filled with bad-tasting, uncomfortable putty. Now we can just scan your mouth with an iTero handheld wand. The images taken by the wand are used to create a model that can help us plan your upcoming treatment down to the smallest detail.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation Dentistry

Relaxed dental patient with nitrous oxide nasal mask in place

Dental phobia and anxiety can affect patients of all ages, which is why nitrous oxide sedation is offered at most dental offices. The sedative is mixed with oxygen so that you can comfortably breathe it through a nasal mask while your teeth are being examined, cleaned, or otherwise treated. Nitrous oxide simply relaxes you. It does not put you to sleep, and you’ll still be able to speak with your dentist and follow whatever instructions we give you. The aftereffects of nitrous oxide wear off quickly, letting you return to work or drive yourself home after your visit.

Local Dental Lab

Man in dental chair smiling at dentist after receiving dental restoration crafted in local dental lab

When we need a dental restoration made, we turn to a trusted state-of-the-art dental lab to design and create it. The lab that we work with has one of the just three lab implantologists in the entire county among its staff, and it shows in the results. We work closely with our dental lab so that no matter what kind of restoration you need, you can be sure that the final product will be exactly what you need to restore the health, strength, and appearance of your smile.