Frequently Asked Dental Questions – Cherry Hill, NJ

Answers to the Questions We Hear Most Often

Getting dental care can be a confusing and somewhat nerve-racking process for some people, but the more you know about our dental office and services, the easier things will be. You can contact us directly with your questions, but first, you can check the list below to see if we’ve addressed your concerns here.


How Often Do I Need a Checkup?

Regardless of how old you are, you should have your teeth cleaned and checked for cavities once every six months. We might schedule more frequent appointments if we see signs of gum disease or other persistent oral health issues.


What’s the Best Way to Replace Missing Teeth?

There’s no perfect answer to this question, as different patients have their own needs and budgets to think about. When available, we do tend to recommend dental implants since they rebuild the entire tooth structure including the root. This makes dental implant-supported prosthetics more functional and attractive, to the point where they come the closest to being like your natural teeth.


Do You See Children?

Of course! We’re happy to see patients of all ages, and we offer many services so that we can accommodate the dental needs of everyone in your family. Our team has been trained to be gentle and patient when working with children, and we’ll adjust our approach based on your little one’s age and needs.


What Should I Do If I Have a Dental Emergency?

Call an emergency room if the problem involves a broken or fractured jaw, bleeding that doesn’t stop even after applying pressure, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. Otherwise, if you have a broken tooth, a painful toothache, or any other oral health problem that needs immediate attention, call our dental office to schedule a same-day appointment.


Can I Straighten My Teeth Without Braces?

Yes, you can get Invisalign® clear aligners to correct crooked or unevenly spaced teeth. The aligners are transparent, making them hardly noticeable when worn, and you can take them off to eat or clean your teeth. Invisalign® lets you smile with confidence even before your orthodontic treatment is complete.


How Can I Feel More Relaxed at the Dentist’s Office?

We can provide nitrous oxide sedation if you feel anxious or uncomfortable. Nitrous oxide takes effect quickly, lets you remain in a relaxed state throughout your appointment, and wears off in just a few minutes so that you can return to your regular routine.


Do You Take Insurance?

Yes! We accept all PPO insurance plans and will file the claim for you so that you will be reimbursed without having to worry about the paperwork. We also offer low-to-no interest financing as well as an in-house savings plan. Visit our new patients page for further information about your financial options.