Dental Careers—Cherry Hill, NJ

A Place to Grow & Thrive

You can get a job just about anywhere these days as a dental professional. What you won’t find is what we’re ready to offer you here at South Jersey Dental Studio, and that is a rewarding and meaningful career that allows you to test and grow your skills while making our community a healthier, happier place.

Dental team member smiling as dentist treats dental patient

Why Join Our Team?

Dentist holding up a model tooth

Every single member of our team chose to go into dentistry because they have a passion for helping people, and that’s likely true for you, too! We take our responsibility to our patients very seriously, and we prove this to them and ourselves by always doing the right thing without a second thought. Here’s why our team loves being a part of our dental office and why you will as well:

Industry-Leading Clinical Care

Smiling lab technician crafting a dental restoration

We only utilize the latest proven technology and methods, and we encourage our team members to pursue continuing education so we can consistently evolve and integrate the newest findings into our dental office.

Patients’ First Philosophy

Two dentists treating dental patient

Most corporate dental offices prioritize numbers over people, namely when it comes to patient volume and their bottom line. Here, our patients’ needs always come first, and we do everything we can to ensure they feel satisfied and comfortable.

Kindness Culture

Dental team member greeting patient at reception desk

We not only care about the wellbeing of our patients, but ourselves as well. We understand that our team members are people, too, so they deserve the same level of kindness, support, and respect that we give our patients.

The South Jersey Dental Studio Difference

Dentist helping child learn to brush teeth

We don’t want our dental office to be a brief stopover on your journey toward your dream job. We want to earn the right to be called your dream job! Several qualities make South Jersey Dental Studio unique in the dental world, and they’re why our team members love being a part of our dental office. 

Support & Community

Modern dental treatment room

We foster a supportive environment where everyone builds each other up. We don’t encourage competition, because when one person succeeds, we all succeed.

Professional Growth

Woman smiling and giving thumbs up

Your passion for learning and improving yourself will be encouraged from day one, and we will give you every opportunity to grow your skills and expand your knowledge

Mentorship & Training

Two dentists reviewing bite impressions during training

Some of the best resources for your career can be found right here with our experienced dentists and staff, and they will always be more than happy to help and give you hands-on training that you’ll be able to apply immediately.

Independence & Trust

Dentist treating dental patient

You’re a highly trained professional, and you deserve to be treated like one. You won’t have someone hovering over your shoulder or asking you to document everything you do down to the second. If we hire you, we trust you.

Apply Today

Smiling woman in dental treatment room

If South Jersey Dental Studio sounds like it would be a good fit for your personality and career goals, then we would love to hear from you! To look over our open positions and apply online, simply click the button below. Of course, if you have any questions, you are always encouraged to give our team a call—we’re always willing to talk to you and give you all the information you need!