Dental Implants – Cherry Hill, NJ

The Next Best Thing to Your Original Teeth

Traditional options like bridges and dentures have helped millions of people enjoy complete smiles again, but they aren’t without their setbacks. Thankfully, a revolutionary tooth replacement is available – dental implants.

Dental implants enable you to replace your missing teeth with the next best thing. Not only are the results lifelike, lasting, and fully functional, but they offer benefits you can’t get with dentures or bridges. Our South Jersey Dental Studio team has partnered with dental lab Finesse to provide outstanding tooth replacements that look realistic and perfectly mimic your original teeth. If you’re ready to complete your smile, contact us today to learn more about dental implants in Cherry Hill, NJ!

Animated smile during dental implant tooth replacement

Why Choose South Jersey Dental Studio for Dental Implants?

  • Partners with Network of Local Implant Specialists
  • Extremely Friendly Dentists Who Listen to Your Needs
  • Fair Prices, No Hidden Fees, and Crystal-Clear Communication

What Are Dental Implants?

Closeup of animated dental implant supported replacement teeth

Dental implants are tiny, cylinder-shaped posts that sit directly inside the jawbone. Each post is made from biocompatible materials like titanium. One of the main benefits of choosing dental implants is their ability to fuse with natural bone tissue, a process called osseointegration. After surgery is complete and the implant has healed fully, a restoration can be attached. This could be a crown, bridge, or denture depending on how many implants you had placed. By the end of treatment, your replacements will feel indistinguishable from your original teeth!

The Dental Implant Process

Dentist using model smile to explain the dental implant process

It’s true that dental implants are a much longer process compared to other tooth replacement options. You can expect your dental implant procedure to take several months to a year depending on the extent of your tooth loss. With that said, the wait is more than worth it. Once you see and use your new teeth day-to-day, we are sure you’ll agree.

Treatment for dental implants can be complex and vary from patient to patient. However, most cases include the following four steps.


  • Initial dental implant consultation – You’ll speak with either Dr. Joe or Dr. Dara one-on-one to confirm if you qualify for dental implants and determine if preparatory treatments are needed beforehand.
  • Dental implant surgery – We’ll partner you with a specialist nearby to have the implants placed inside your jaw.
  • Dental implant osseointegration/abutment – The implant(s) will begin to fuse with your jawbone over the next several months. After this time period has passed, you’ll come back to have a metal attachment (an abutment) secured to the top of the implant.
  • Delivery of dental implant restorations – You’ll return to South Jersey Dental Studio to have your personalized restoration anchored to your abutment.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Grandfather enjoying benefits of dental implants spending time with grandchild

Recreating every part of a missing tooth provides many benefits that you won’t find with dentures or bridges. The most notable include the following:

  • Much like natural teeth, they are firmly embedded inside the bone tissue. This allows you to bite and chew your favorite foods without your restorations slipping or shifting out of place.
  • Some bridges require removal of natural enamel to stay attached, but dental implants rely on the titanium post fully and completely. This is a great way to retain as much of your natural tooth structure while still replacing teeth.
  • The only tooth replacement that stimulates jawbone tissue and reduces the risk of future tooth loss is dental implants. It also ensures your facial shape does not change, which helps you maintain your youthful appearance.
  • To guarantee that your dental implants last for 30 years or more, all you need to do is practice basic at-home brushing and flossing, complete checkups once every six months, and avoid habits that would otherwise damage teeth (i.e., smoking, using your teeth as a tool, etc.)

Who Can Dental Implants Help?

Man and woman enjoying the benefits of dental implants

Do you have decent oral health despite missing a tooth? If so, chances are you’re a likely candidate for dental implant treatment. We’ll have to examine your mouth and jaw first as well as review your overall health to know for sure, but treatment has become so versatile over the years that more often than not, patients are eligible. We’ll develop a treatment plan based on the number of teeth you need to replace.

Missing One Tooth

Animated smile during dental implant supported dental crown placement

Single dental implant posts are vertically placed between natural teeth, all without having to alter enamel like with a dental bridge. From there, we’ll attach a crown on top so it seamlessly blends with the adjacent teeth.

Missing Multiple Teeth

Animated smile during dental implant supported fixed bridge placement

Rather than replacing each tooth with an individual implant, three to four consecutive crowns can be secured using just a pair of dental implants to hold a bridge. In this case, one implant is placed at each end of the gap in your smile. If there are several gaps throughout your mouth, we may recommend multiple implants to hold a partial denture.

Missing All Teeth

Animated smile during dental implant supported denture placement

Are you frustrated by your current denture? You should know that in most cases, anywhere between four and eight dental implants is enough to anchor a full denture. Implant dentures will remain in place no matter what food you enjoy. Plus, they can be customized to be fixed or removable, depending on your preference.

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

Dentist and dentistry patient discussing the cost of dental implants

Due to the complex nature of dental implant treatment, the cost can vary. While it’s true they are more expensive upfront than bridges or dentures, they are still one of the most cost-effective investments you can make for your oral health because of their longevity and durability. You won’t need to worry about replacing them every 5 to 10 years like you do with regular bridges and dentures. Plus, the health benefits they offer make them well worth the higher price. In the event you need additional financing to cover your treatment, our team is happy to discuss this with you.